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無論是節慶活動,約會的夜晚,還是只是一個漫長一天的結束,都是來喝一杯時候,這些都是在北京的必去之地。 呼朋引伴來看看這些不同的特色酒吧或私窟酒吧。


魅酒吧 - 位於Rosewood飯店的五樓, 魅酒吧是間融合雞尾酒、調酒、還有威士忌的lounge概念酒吧。每個吧台都有不同的酒類提供給不同需求的客人。


Capital Spirits - 首都酒坊宣稱他們的目標是成為世界上第一家專攻白酒與其他罕見釀造酒的酒吧。他們扮演白酒的歷史學者與教育家,決心讓新一代認識他們的國酒白酒。


毛毛蟲:這人氣胡同酒吧,10多年來廣受歡迎,賣點是創意雞尾酒與實惠的價格,加上每晚特飲和滋味披薩,實在是難逢敵手。這裡的菜式,融合本地與中式食材,別錯過本土特色雞尾酒Mala Mule。


Botany - 有別於一般的地下酒吧,Botany位於一間公寓裡,只接受親友推薦訂位,且必須直接跟老闆 Frankie Zou (兼調酒師)預約才有幸一探這公寓酒吧。那,這裡到底跟其它酒吧有什麼不同呢? 除了酒精以外,所有的果汁、糖漿、苦精、裝飾、以及點心- 全是在這公寓裡種植調理的。


1. Mei Bar

Located on the 5th floor of the Rosewood hotel, Mei Bar is a lounge concept that covers all the bases with a cocktail bar, wine and whiskey bar. Each bar has its own personality offering something different for everyone. 

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2. Capital Spirits

Capital Spirits claims the distinction of being the world’s first bar dedicated to Baijiu and other hard to find craft liquors. They act as Baijiu historians and educators determined to introduce a new generation to the national drink.

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3. Mao Mao Chong

This ever popular hutong bar has been trendy for over a decade because of its inventive cocktails and great prices. With nightly drink specials and gourmet pizza, it’s tough to beat.  Infusing some local and inherently Chinese flavors like Sichuan peppercorn, be sure to ask about the homegrown cocktails like the Mala Mule.

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4. Botany

Not your typical speakeasy, Botany is hidden in an apartment complex and accessible only by friend referrals for appointments directly with the owner and bartender Frankie Zou. What sets Botany apart from other cocktail bars? Everything besides the alcohol – juices, syrups, bitters, garnishes, snacks - is grown and prepared in house.

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