Sing Sing綜合了夜店、酒吧、舞廳的特點於一身,你可以把這邊當成入夜享樂展現自我的舞台。本店前身曾是中國娼館與傳統歌劇院,經改裝後仍保有原風格的蓋成現今的風貌,在舞台周圍也保留通往各個隱蔽包廂的走道。提到營造氣氛的音樂,本店野心勃勃地涵蓋了各種音樂類型,甚至會舉行文化表演作為調劑,每個月至少會邀請一名國際藝人登台演出。Sing Sing是個讓人可以放鬆心情與人攀談又可在舞池大展舞步的好地方,難怪它是今日曼谷舉行派對最熱門的地點。本店簡約的裝潢、一流的服務與供應像是Lucky Rabbit, Mentalist, Enter the Dragon 與Big Boss這些讓人上癮的獨門雞尾酒。來到這裡就是要穿上最炫的行頭,放開潛藏在心底的那隻派對野獸韁繩盡情地嚎叫!小提示:如果你想找個隱蔽的地方喝酒,好在伴侶的耳畔竊竊私語,建議你上樓前往深處的Bruce Lee 酒吧。
價錢 | |
類型 | Club |
Speciality | Nightclub |
Open * | Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri |
* May vary and subject to change |
Know Before You Go
Foreigners are not always expected to initiate a wai, but you can return one by slightly bowing with your hands pressed together sort of like a prayer. Status is a very important (and complicated) component of Thai culture, but in the most blunt terms, one should only offer wais to those of equal or greater social status.
Mai pen rai is an expression that pretty much sums up the Thai cultural temperament. Don’t worry, no worries, never mind. Even with the hot days, hordes of people and tourist scams, it is never okay to yell or show anger in public. You will embarrass yourself and everyone around you, at best, or get seriously hurt, at worst. Yelling at a Thai causes them to lose face, which often yields a far more aggressive reaction than you would expect in the West.