北京 12 小時
Take a quick tour for a glimpse into the Capital
Take a quick tour for a glimpse into the Capital
探索歷史名城北京,發掘隱藏的寶藏。 北京所有的一切會讓你驚豔。 像當地人一樣,租一輛自行車開始你的旅程。
Janes & Hooch:可以說是北京調出最好的雞尾酒,走訪 Janes&Hooch 喝上一杯,將會是個不會令人失望的夜晚。畢竟,它已是在北京連禪冠軍寶座好幾年的酒吧...
BBC:BBC代表Bottle,Boot & Cigar,你可能已經猜到這是北京時尚紳士的酒吧。無論你是想滿足其中的一個,或者你自己是一個,BBC 會是一個好的選擇。
Located in XICHENG DISTRICT, Houhai is otherwise known as Beijing’s back garden and also a perfect getaway within the city. Between the mix of beautiful traditional Chinese architecture and modern restaurants and bars, you will never have a dull moment in Houhai.
When in Beijing, the Great Wall is simply a must. Whether or not you care about the history behind this World Wonder, it is nevertheless a sight to behold, and one you won’t easily forget.
Travel back to ancient times and get a real understanding of Chinese history at the Forbidden City. This architectural feat will let you have a taste of ancient imperial life, and that is an experience that is truly amazing and breathtaking.
For what is arguably the best cocktails in Beijing, visit Janes & Hooch for a night of drinking that won’t disappoint. After all, it has been the reigning champion of best bar in Beijing several years in a row...
The letters BBC stands for Bottle, Boot & Cigar, and you can probably already guess this is a bar for the stylish gentlemen of Beijing. Whether you’re looking to meet one of those, or you are one yourself, BBC is always a good idea.
You may or may not have heard of Baijiu, and much less try it, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is nonetheless the most sold alcoholic drink in the world. So if you’re curious, then head over to Capital Spirits to pop your Baijiu cherry.