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與此同時,在台北,這座城市並部會為誰停下來。 攔台黃色的租計程車,開始你的台北之旅。


  1. Fika Fika Cafe : 對Fika Fika Café說聲「god dag」(瑞典文中的哈囉)吧!這間迷人的咖啡店座落在  中山區,不僅有伊通公園環繞,更沐浴在美麗的陽光之中。如果你想在這城市中尋找不為人知的綠洲,它會是一個能讓你好好調整步伐的去處。 

  2. 大隱酒食 : 這家店沒什麼酷炫的地方,它們只專注把鄉下小菜做得美味,好好呈現在你面前。這些料理給你代代相傳的感覺,但老闆手上那把刀肯定要比你祖母的鋒利得多。

  3. 台北 101:  台灣最高的建築物,城市的象徵 。令人印象深刻位在信義區的101你很難錯過你也不會想錯過。

  4. 大佳河濱公園 : 大清早就可沉醉於於青草地與耀眼的碧藍河流,也可趁週末到此放輕鬆,享用啤酒與迷人的夕陽美景。聽起來還不錯的話,大佳河濱公園就適合你了。

  5. 籃球場 (橋下) : 去膩了一般的健身房嗎? 到天橋下去報對,和當地的藍球愛好者打場友宜賽吧。

  6. 橘色涮涮屋 : 無論是早有預謀還是心血來潮,來橘色涮涮屋吃火鍋,都會是好選擇,相約知己好友,到此享用一流的涮涮鍋吧!

  7. Chess Club : 你苦等一個禮拜,想跟好友去玩,又想認識新朋友,留下美好回憶?週六晚上記得到Chess,那是台北的一流酒吧,與嘻哈發燒友舉杯暢飲,一夜熱舞。

1. Fika Fika Cafe

Say “god dag” (“hello” in Swedish) to Fika Fika Cafe, a charming ZHONGSHAN DISTRICT café. Surrounded by Yitong Park and bathed in light, it’s a nice change of pace for those seeking a hidden oasis in the city.

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2. James Kitchen

Nothing too fancy, James is all about simple, rustic food prepared and presented well.  These dishes have the feel of traditions passed down from generation to generation, but executed with an edge sharper than your grandma’s knife.

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3. Taipei 101

The tallest building in Taiwan and an iconic landmark for the modern city. Located in Xinyi, you can’t miss it and you won’t want to - it’s impressive.

4. Dajia Riverside Park

Picture yourself getting an early start to your day riding along a lush green lawn and a sparkling blue river; or winding down the weekend chillin’ with a refreshing beer and killer sunset view. If either of those sound appealing to you, Dajia Riverside Park is the place to go.

5. Basketball Courts (Under the bridges)

Tired of the standard gym? Get a local pick up game under the bridges where the local ballers show their love of the game.

6. Orange Shabu Shabu

Whether you are planning ahead or you want to be spontaneous, some hotpot at Orange Shabu Shabu is always a good choice. Grab some friends, start the night off right with some of the best Hot Pot in town.

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7. Chess Club

You’ve been waiting all week to hang with your friends, meet some new people, and make some lasting memories. Hit Chess on Saturday night, it’s the best venue in town to raise a glass with the local hip hop aficionados and dance the night away.  

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